Water use has a major impact on the world around you. Conserving water is a step everyone can take to help save resources. Reducing water use also helps keep a septic system working efficiently. Shortening your shower time is just the beginning. If your goal is to use less water than the average person, there are many ways you can achieve that goal.
Average Water Use in America
The average American uses as many as 82 gallons of water per day, according to a 2022 report from the Environmental Protection Agency. You can view the report here. This may sound like a lot, but you need to take into account water drank, water used to cook, water used in toilets, water used when washing hands, and shower water. These may be the most common uses of water, but there are too many other ways we use water than we could fit on this page.
Of course, 82 is an average number, so you may use something closer to 60 or 70 gallons. There are certainly others who use more than 100 gallons of water in a day without even realizing it.
How Can I Use Less Water?
To prevent your septic system from getting overwhelmed, or just to be conscientious about the resources you use, you can start reducing your water use today. Showering uses a lot of water, and daily showers might be unnecessary for some people. Showering every other day can help prevent dry skin and keep hair healthy. If nothing else, you can at least try to buy a new shower head that might help you save water.
A major culprit in modern water use is outdated toilets. Toilets that came with older homes will likely use several gallons of water in a single flush. Now, toilets are built to use far less water per flush, usually around a single gallon.
Install aerators on your kitchen and bathroom faucets. Because many people only spend a set amount of time washing their hands, you can save water by using aerators. These devices help use less water per second while a faucet is running by mixing the water coming out with air, resulting in a smooth, controlled stream of water.
Teach others in your family to use less water for better conservation in your home. For other tips on living with a septic system or cesspool, check back with our blog regularly.