Are you looking for more ways to save water as summer rolls around? Here are a few tips that you might not be aware of yet, but could do for a few bucks or without spending a dollar. Help the environment, save money, and keep your septic system working at its best by saving water this summer.
Save Water By Watering Plants In the Evening
A lot of people feel inspired to go out in the early afternoon and get yard work done during the hottest part of the day. Something about the heat and sun gets people moving, but it’s probably the worst time to water your lawn and garden. Watering in the heat of the day, under the bright sun means a lot of your water is lost by evaporation before it gets to your plant’s roots.
Early morning light tends to be shady, and the hottest part of the day is still several hours off. If you can set up your sprinkler or spray your garden in the morning, do it before the sun gets too high. Your plants are already thirsty, and they can be prepared for the coming heat.
Since most people leave for work in the morning and return home in the early evening, try waiting until the sun is low. It doesn’t have to be dark, just wait for the air to cool a bit before you pull out the hose.
Replace your Garden Hose and Use Plumber’s Tape
Garden hoses only last a few years, getting holes you don’t notice until it’s too late. Not only that, but the fittings bend out of shape and tend to have a poor seal as time goes by. Either replace your hose before the summer starts, or patch any holes and use plumber’s tape to create a good seal where your garden hose attaches to the water source. Plumber’s tape is usually quite inexpensive, and can be used all over the home.
Collect Rainwater with a Rain Barrel
Collecting rainwater is restricted in some states, but in Hawaii, you can receive incentives for doing it. Check with local, updated government sources to learn more, but consider rigging up a catchment system for watering your garden, grass, or other safe uses.
Saving Water Helps your Septic System
Avoid overwhelming your septic system by sending too much water into the tank. Conserve water where you can throughout the year so your septic system can work its magic at top efficiency.