Your Thanksgiving may be over, but you probably still have a lot of turkey left in the fridge, taking up a lot of space. If this sounds like your situation, not to mention extra mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, pie, sweet potato casserole and cranberry sauce, you should have a plan for how to make sure it gets eaten.
Thanksgiving Turkey Soup
Your extra turkey should not go to waste. Try this recipe if you haven’t before It relies on making a tasty turkey stock by boiling some of the bones. This creates a strong flavor that is more rich than a simple broth you buy at the grocery store. The addition of onions, celery, carrots, or other vegetables might be another way to get rid of whatever didn’t get used in preparing the big dinner last week.
Leftover Mashed Potato Pancakes
Go off the beaten path with this recipe that repurposes your spuds into a cheesy, savory spin on pancakes No need for maple syrup here! Warming up some leftover green bean casserole as a side might help you open up some fridge space even more.
Another use for leftover mashed potatoes that doesn’t really require a recipe is to turn those potatoes into a baked potato inspired dish by simply adding crumbled bacon, cheese, green onions, and whatever else you might include with a baked potato. Mix it up and bake it all in an oven-safe dish (if there are any left after the big dinner) and you should end up with a nice light crust on the potatoes when it is done.
Thanksgiving Sandwich
You had to know this one was coming. No recipe necessary here. While it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, the idea behind the Thanksgiving sandwich is to pile leftovers from turkey day between two slices of bread and just dig in. Maybe save the pie for dessert instead of jamming it in with the corn and stuffing.
Or for a more universally palatable thanksgiving sandwich, slice the leftover turkey thin and you can have a basic, yet satisfying oven-roasted turkey sandwich in no time. Maybe just a touch of gravy will help if you have to use some dry white meat. If you also have a lot of dinner rolls waiting around to be eaten, turkey sliders could be the best way to polish off the poultry.