Septic systems are a daily reality for millions of people. This method of independent waste disposal is efficient and even helpful for your local environment when managed correctly, but a septic system is more delicate than you might think. Did you know that most drain cleaners will damage your septic system?
Why Do Drain Cleaners Damage Septic Systems?
Drain openers usually employ powerful chemicals that destroy grease, hair, and other substances at fault for causing clogged pipes in the home. The chemicals themselves may not harm the pipes or the body of the tank itself, but they do endanger the bacteria your septic system needs.
Bacteria in your septic tank are responsible for processing waste into manageable sludge and wastewater. Without them, a septic tank is just a container for untreated waste that builds up quickly. These essential bacteria are threatened by the harsh chemicals in drain cleaners.
What Drain Cleaners Should I Avoid if I Have a Septic System?
Avoid bleach and cleaners that use sodium hydroxide as a main active ingredient. These can do more than just kill septic bacteria, so find alternatives that work for you, like some of the following mentioned below.
How to Remove Clogs when you have a Septic Tank
Physically breaking up clogs with a drain snake or pulling out clumps of hair with a simple flexible, hooked tool are both practical solutions to common clogs. Otherwise, some clogs will clear up with a treatment of baking soda and distilled white vinegar. Sometimes boiling water makes an effective grease remover that doesn’t threaten the ecosystem your septic system needs to function properly.
Can you Restore Septic Tank Bacteria?
If your septic tank’s bacteria has been destroyed, all hope is not lost. The bacteria may just need some time to bounce back, but even if they can’t, a septic treatment can fix the system. Call Maui Pumping Services for a free estimate or schedule a septic treatment today!