Looking for flowers to bring to Mom this Mother’s day? Florists are usually pretty overwhelmed this special time of year, but if you’re quick you might still be able to grab a bouquet before it’s too late. There are a few places to go, and others you can’t visit in-person, so keep that in mind as part of making your decision.
Kolonahe Creations, LLC
[email protected]
(808) 207-7772
First on this list is native-owned Kolonahe Creations, a florist that can cover pretty much any floral request you have. Going far beyond a simple flower delivery service for mother’s day, you can turn to them for wedding arches, sympathy bouquets, and even event decorating services. They do business through their website, which features convenient forms to help you put in your request when a call won’t work.
Maui Blooms
[email protected]
(808) 446-9689
Here’s another florist that gets all its traffic through phone calls and the web. Like other florists, you can keep Maui Blooms in mind for more than just Mother’s Day. Weddings, funerals, holidays, special events and more can all benefit from the inclusion of some natural color and the beauty of well-arranged flowers.
Aloha Maui Flowers
11 Kamakoi Pl, Kihei, HI 96753
(808) 214-0323
An important note with Aloha Maui Flowers is that the establishment only takes orders by the phone number listed above by text only, or by the email listed above. Even though they list their address publicly as Kihei, the business is closer to Wailea. Still, orders are only accepted by text or email, so Mother’s Day flowers, bouquets, leis, arrangements, corsages, boutonnieres and more can only be obtained one of those two ways.
Septic Pumping Services on Maui, HI
Mother’s day is usually celebrated with flowers, brunch or a family dinner, not septic services, but if the need arises, keep Maui Pumping in mind. Septic system pumping, maintenance, treatment, installation and more are part of Maui Pumping’s specialty. Schedule service online or over the phone today!